Shipping and Delivery

The Justice Companionship website focuses on connecting advocates and clients for legal services, physical deliveries like packages wouldn’t be the main concern. The focus here would be on secure and timely delivery of information and services.

Delivery and Shipping Terms and Conditions for Justice Companionship Website:

1.⁠ ⁠Scope:

This section clarifies that these terms apply to the delivery of services and information between advocates and clients on the platform.

2.⁠ ⁠Delivery Methods:

The website facilitates communication and document exchange primarily through:
Secure online portal for document sharing and collaboration.
Encrypted email for highly sensitive information.

3.⁠ ⁠Delivery Timeframes:

Advocate response times to client inquiries will be outlined (e.g., response within 24 hours during business days).
Delivery time for services will depend on the complexity of the case and will be communicated by the chosen advocate.

4.⁠ ⁠Client Responsibilities:

Clients are responsible for:
Providing a valid

email address and maintaining access to the secure portal.
Promptly informing the advocate of any preferred communication methods.
Uploading necessary documents in a timely manner.

5.⁠ ⁠Delivery Fees:

The website itself typically wouldn’t have delivery fees. Fees for legal services are handled directly between the client and the chosen advocate.

6.⁠ ⁠Disclaimer of Liability:

The website acts as a facilitator and cannot be held liable for delays caused by:
Advocate workload or unavailability.
Client’s failure to provide complete information or respond promptly.
Technical issues beyond the website’s control.

7.⁠ ⁠Force Majeure:

Unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters or technical outages that delay communication will be addressed fairly.

8.⁠ ⁠Data Security and Confidentiality:

The website’s commitment to secure data storage and transmission will be emphasized.
The advocate’s obligation to client confidentiality as outlined in legal ethics will be referenced.